ALLAHABAD: The online running information of 12 more pair of trains would now be provided through SIMRAN system. Out of these, the position of three more trains passing through the Allahabad division of NCR will now be available through the SIMRAN. These trains are New Delhi-Guwahati Rajdhani Express, New Delhi-Dibrugarh Rajdhani Express and Kanpur-Delhi Shatabdi Express.
Indian Railways is providing instant information of the position of the trains through SIMRAN system. This is based on the real Train Information System (RTIS) for accurate train tracking heralding a new era of application of advanced communication and information technologies in railways related activities.
This tracking system is based on the Satellite Imaging for Rail Navigation (SIMRAN) and has been developed jointly by Research, Design and Standards Organization (RDSO) Lucknow and IIT-Kanpur.
There are 36 trains whose latest running position is available through SIMRAN. These include train numbers 12001/12002 New Delhi-Bhopal Shatabdi Express, train numbers 12003/12004 Lucknow-Delhi Shatabdi Express, train numbers 12005/12006 New Delhi-Kalka Shatabdi Express, train numbers 12011/12012 Kalka-New Delhi Shatabdi Express, train numbers 12012/12014 New Delhi-Amritsar Shatabdi Express, train numbers 12017/12018 New Delhi-Dehradun Shatabdi Express, train numbers 12033/12034 Kanpur-Delhi Shatabdi Express, train numbers 12235/12236 New Delhi-Dibrugarh rajdhani Express, train numbers 12423/12424/12435/12436 Guwahati-new Delhi Rajdhani Express, train numbers 12301/12302 Howrah-New Delhi (via Gaya) Rajdhani Express, train numbers 12305/12306 Howrah-New Delhi (via Patna) Rajdhani Express, train numbers 12313/12314 Howrah Sealdah Rajdhani Express, train numbers 12431/12432 Trivanthapuram-Nizamuddin Rajdhani Express, train numbers 12951/12952 Mumbai Central-New Delhi Rajdhani Express, train numbers 12953/12954 12952 Mumbai Central-New Delhi August Kranri Rajdhani Express and train numbers 12259/12260 Sealdah-New Delhi Duranto Express.
The facility will provide accurate train running information at the click of button or through SMS and will overcome limitations of the existing train information dissemination through 139 which is mainly dependent on the manual collection and feeding.
RTIS system deployed in the trains provides the following information to public/passengers -- train locations, train running position, whether train is running on time or late and by how much and also the train location with respect to the next stopping station. It also displays information about the speed of the moving train. The information is available on the website:
People can also get the train running information through SMS by sending a text message 'train number' to mobile numbers 09415139139 or 09664139139. A message received by passenger say for train number 12034, Kanpur-New delhi Shatabdi Express is as under.
On 22/03/2012 16:11New delhi-Kanpur Shat. is running at 95 km/hr near Chander Nagar Halt, 10.66 km from Ghaziabad jn, Presently right time. The above message is actually a reply received to a SMS query.
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