Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh), March 24 (IANS) A 28-year-old woman whose husband was away to attend a marriage function was gang raped by six men in Ghaziabad Saturday, police said. The incident occurred at around 1.00 a.m. Saturday morning. According to the First Information Report (FIR) lodged at the Masuri police station in Ghaziabad district, the woman's husband had gone to attend a marriage ceremony in nearby Baghpat. The six men barged into the house of the woman situated in the Nahal locality, taking advantage of the night-time darkness. They overpowered the woman from behind and covered her face with a piece of a cloth so that she could not recognize them. They then gang raped her one by one. But when the woman shouted for help, the rapists fled the spot. In the meantime, the woman's daughter, who was sleeping in the adjoining room recognized two of the men. They are said to be neighbours of the woman. When the woman's husband returned from t...
Khora colony is the largest unauthorized colony of U.P, India. Khora colony situated in NH-24. The Area of khora colony approximately 12km and its population around 10 Lacs. It is very closed to Delhi.