More than 16 months ahead of the scheduled general election of 2014, the Samajwadi Party has declared the names of its candidates for the Lok Sabha seats of Ghaziabad and Gautam Budh Nagar. The names of the candidates for the two seats of UP-NCR figure amongst a list of 55 candidates released by the party on Friday.
Samajwadi Party spokesperson, Prof Ram Gopal Yadav, released the first list of candidates comprising 55 seats from a total of 80 Lok Sabha seats in Uttar Pradesh in Lucknow.
In Gautam Budh Nagar, the SP has re-fielded its candidate of the 2009 general election, Narendra Singh Bhati. Bhati had lost to rival Bahujan Samaj Party candidate Surendra Naagarand had secured the third position in the number of votes polled. In the neighbouring seat of Ghaziabad, the party has fielded a new candidate, Sudhan Rawat, for the 2014 polls. Rawat had unsuccessfully run for the post of mayor of Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam for the municipal election of 2012. SP had not fielded a candidate for Ghaziabad in the general election of 2012 as Rajnath Singh had contested from there.
Samajwadi Party spokesperson, Prof Ram Gopal Yadav, released the first list of candidates comprising 55 seats from a total of 80 Lok Sabha seats in Uttar Pradesh in Lucknow.
In Gautam Budh Nagar, the SP has re-fielded its candidate of the 2009 general election, Narendra Singh Bhati. Bhati had lost to rival Bahujan Samaj Party candidate Surendra Naagarand had secured the third position in the number of votes polled. In the neighbouring seat of Ghaziabad, the party has fielded a new candidate, Sudhan Rawat, for the 2014 polls. Rawat had unsuccessfully run for the post of mayor of Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam for the municipal election of 2012. SP had not fielded a candidate for Ghaziabad in the general election of 2012 as Rajnath Singh had contested from there.
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