India has requested Interpol to come up with a special notice for terror cases, which is not a part of the existing red corner notice. The request was made at the recently concluded general assembly of Interpol in Rome, which was attended by home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde and CBI director A P Singh. "It will simplify the process for all the investigating agencies to know about terror suspects if the notice's colour or style is changed," said an officer. Interpol is reported to be examining the request.
In the general assembly, it was also decided that Interpol will hold training programmes at the CBI academy in Ghaziabad, for the Asia-Pacific nations. Training will be imparted to law enforcement officers of various countries on bio-terrorism, investigation of maritime piracy and anti-corruption cases, and there will be focused attention on fugitives involved in terror cases. "This was agreed upon at the Interpol's 81st general assembly which was held in Romelast week. In a series of meetings, Interpol secretary general, Ronald Noble, sought India's contribution for officers to the Interpol Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) in Singapore. He also emphasized on the development of a mechanism for informal cooperation with national central bureau (NCB) - India, relating to investigation of cyber crimes," said CBI spokesperson Dharini Mishra.
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