The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to withdraw all cases against late liquor baron Ponty Chadha in the state. The decision was taken in a Cabinet meeting in Uttar Pradesh. Ponty Chadha, who was the sole liquor distributor in Uttar Pradesh, died after a shootout between him and his brother Hardeep at his farmhouse in Delhi. Hardeep was also killed in the shootout. Ponty Chadha's other business interests included real estate, sugar mills and film production, which he used to look after along with his two brothers - Hardeep and Rajinder. The business empire was reportedly worth Rs 6,000 crore. However, no arrests have been made in regard to the double murders case. The police are yet to find significant leads into what led to the shootout. The police have said that a clash between the two brothers had taken place in another farmhouse, located a few kilometers away, on the morning of the shootout. Ponty Chadha, who was the sole liquor distributor in Uttar Pradesh, ...
Khora colony is the largest unauthorized colony of U.P, India. Khora colony situated in NH-24. The Area of khora colony approximately 12km and its population around 10 Lacs. It is very closed to Delhi.