GHAZIABAD : The main players in the Sahibabad Industrial Area assembled last week in the Radisson Blu hotel in Ghaziabad for their annual general meeting (AGM) to reflect on the work done by the Sahibabad Industrial Association in past one year. The meeting also saw many important decisions being taken with members tenure being extended and SK Maheswari becoming the new vice president of the association."As an association we have achieved a lot this year substantiating the fact that unity is strength," said Prem Khanna, president of the industrial association. While there were many high points this year for the association but a few of them were noteworthy, emphasized the president. "The association took some of the infrastructure issue in site 4 to the municipal corporation. We have successfully persuaded the body to improve 42 roads in the area along with the installation of interlocking tiles on the sides of the road," said Khanna further. T...
Khora colony is the largest unauthorized colony of U.P, India. Khora colony situated in NH-24. The Area of khora colony approximately 12km and its population around 10 Lacs. It is very closed to Delhi.