Ghaziabad, (PTI) In three separate incidents of chain snatching, motorcycle-borne thieves today escaped with the chains of a journalist, a BSP leader and a doctor, police said. While the incidents took place at intervals, within the jurisdiction of three different police stations, the modus operandi was the same, they said. In an incident in Kavi Nagar area, two men on a motorcycle forcibly took away BSP district president Ram Prashad Pradhan's chain after stopping him on the pretence of asking directions while he was returning home after a morning walk . In another case, the chain of journalist Neetu, a resident of Indirapuram, was snatched near Vaishali metro station. Similarly, three men approached Dr Rajiv, a resident of Lohia Nagar, when he was heading home from a local market and looted his gold chain.
Ghaziabad/Noida: The woes of the people of NCR's Noida and Ghaziabad areas have been compounded, thanks to the twin crises of power cuts and water shortage. Noida residents have complained of a significantly reduced supply of water. In sectors such as 10, 11, 12, 15, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 56 and 71, the problem of reduced hours of supply has emerged over the past ten days. Many other sectors are reportedly receiving saline mixed with 'soft' Ganga water. "Our house is situated on the ninth floor and very little water reaches that level. The entire pressure gets exhausted on the lower floors. It is a big problem for us," Rama Pandey, a resident of a housing society in Noida Sector 62, said. Munna Sharma, president of Noida Sector-71 RWA and former office bearer of the Federation of Noida RWAs (FONRWA), said, "Normally, we are scheduled to get six hours of water supply, three each in the morning and evening, but these days, we are getting water for just thr...
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