GHAZIABAD: Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA), on Wednesday, approved a sanction of Rs 200 crore to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation in the financial year 2012-13 for extension of the Rithala-Dilshad Garden line till the New Bus Stand in Ghaziabad. In a first, GDA has earmarked Rs 1,000 crore to shore up its land bank. Moreover, the Metro link from Dilshad Garden to the New Bus Stand has been a priority for UP CM Akhilesh Yadav. In a board meeting, the authority agreed to chip in Rs 495 crore of the estimated project cost of Rs 981 crore. The remaining cost would be borne equally by Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation, UP Housing Board and UP State Industrial Development Corporation . "The funding pattern has been decided and would be sent to the UP government for approval on Friday. The government has already given in-principle approval and we are hopeful that the funding pattern would also get the go-ahead," GDA vice-chairman San...
Khora colony is the largest unauthorized colony of U.P, India. Khora colony situated in NH-24. The Area of khora colony approximately 12km and its population around 10 Lacs. It is very closed to Delhi.